Sunday, September 8, 2013

Jtune: Movie Weekends

Is what I've been up to over the weekends. Hahahaha I'm loving this a lot. But then again, I remember I still have Prelims to study for. Hahaha okay that's not the point.

I'm here to errrrr tell you guys about how emotionless I've gotten nowadays and I don't know, is it an issue worth worrying about??? I think it is -_- A serious one, maybe. Before I go into that, let me start my grandmother story from the start.
I caught That Girl In Pinafore in cinemas with my class on Thursday and unlike what online reviews said, I didn't find any scene particularly touching or sad. So did the rest and I'm just like "Okay, maybe those online reviews were fake". The movie was okay I guess.

Since I was in the mood for sad/Chinese movies (and I've always been wanting to watch sad movies), I decided to watch 那些年,我们一起追的女孩 over the weekends. Errrr pervertic scenes aside, the movie was generally okay because I personally found it similar to That Girl In Pinafore. But I was pretty sure there was no sad scenes, nor were there scenes worth crying for.

Moved on to The Notebook and Marley & Me in hopes of crying during a movie (Tsk, 小女孩 here haven't cried to a movie before so yeah) but NO. Hell, I didn't cried for any of them. Lolololol I swear I wasn't a tad sad/touched during The Notebook. As for Marley & Me, errrrrr bile built up in my throat but no tears -__-

Gave up on sad movies and moved on to The Conjuring, this time wishing that it will be frightening enough to scare and awaken the dormant soul inside of me. And well, sorry to disappoint you but I didn't find it scary. I mean, the doll wasn't even the main part of the story so that pretty much killed the excitement for me.
Okay, so these are the movies I've watched so far over the weekends!!!! ^^

The chick flicks are all pretty good so you girls should watch it if you are borrreeeeedddddd of studying (which I haven't started OMG). Sorority Wars and Teen Spirit are typical chick flicks about the popular and outcast but I enjoyed them anyway. Love Wrecked was good 'cause Amanda Bynes (my favourite teen star!!!!! You should check out all of her movies!!! Lindsay Lohan's too!!!) is the main lead and her body is every girl's dream HAHA. It's A Boy Girl Thing was quite sweet because two souls at opposite ends of the education system falls in love with each other :)

Spent the rest of my Sunday watching Ghost Adventures. I'm watching Now You See Me tomorrow with my family and I really hope it will be less-talk-more-action because I hate hate hateeee movies which spend lotsa time talking and make me sleepy and all.

Okay enough rubbish for one night. Byebye, I will be blogging every night for the holidays!!!! I hope? Lolololol k bye.

Click here for more movie intros ^^

1 comment:

  1. thanks had fun watching them, you should renew them that there are a lot more to watch
