Monday, January 13, 2014

Post-As Dates [Part I: PPK Climbing]

First post-As activity: Climbing with PPK gang

(L-R) Xin Min, Bryna, Jeslyn, Me, Thiam, Venetia, Yu Wan, Bryan, Joachim
While others are going out, partying their nights away after As ended, I stayed home to sleep, eat and watch the TV.

People may label me as no-life, but whatever. I have disliked going out (town, especially) since forever and I will always choose to stay home if possible.

At home, I can wear my baggy shirts/sweaters and shorts, sit and lie on my sofa whichever way I want and go to the toilet as and when I like. Everything is such a hassle and so freaking inconvenient when I'm out. D:

So my first time leaving the house after As ended was probably two or three days later, to climb with PPK gang at Onsight :) It was planned months before As even started and all of us were soooo excited for it ^^

Since everyone was new to climbing and were more interested in rock-climbing than bouldering, I offered to belay. Xinmin joined us too, and thank god she was there because I cannot imagine having to belay all 7 of the rest for hours X.X
Belayers of the day!!! ^^
The noisiest climber EVER. And who knew she'll become my colleague a month later? ;D
Many had to leave early so the remaining ones continued to boulder (woohoo, I found another rare person who prefers bouldering to rock-climbing!!!) until we were tired and hungry.
Dinner at Old Changi Road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
My awkz face (HAHAHA) with noisy climber/colleague.
It's past midnight and I'm too sleepy to continue the post further -_-

Maybe I'll update again tomorrow after work!!! Bleh, bye.

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