Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jan 2014 | Post-As Dates [Part II: Class Chalet]

Before I start with my post, please click on the links below:

Absolutely beautiful unborn animals
Animal Whisperer

(Seriously, click on the links!! It's not a virus or advertisement or whatsoever.)

Such beautiful images never fail to brighten up me, no matter how sad or tiring the day was.

Life & Death
Humans & Animals
Nature & Mankind

Everything (from stunning and breathtaking photos to texts totally worth reading) is all shared on ViralNova and it's currently my favorite website to visit everyday. :)
Hello guys!!!!

How's school/work/holiday so far? I hope your 2014 had been good like mine!!! ^^

If your day sucks, just read ViralNova!!! It's seriously my fav website and I really want to share it with you guys hahahahaha.

SO anyway, January's coming towards an end in another 9 days 5 days (damn, I haven't been blogging since FOREVER). Time's flying so quickly and yet, I still have an entire list of Post-As activities left undone/ untouched D:

Work makes me one busy woman. Speaking of work, training's getting so mind-boggling and I come home with my brains fried every single day D: OKAY I shan't elaborate much on it further until the next post because after all, this job isn't secured yet.

CNY's coming and woohoo, my mum has baked so many goodies this year. And it's really really really good. Perhaps if you are lucky enough, I'll be able to let you try it soon HAHA

 Oh yeah, and did I mention that I'm pretty much as sleep-deprived now as when I was still schooling? It's terrifying to even think of it actually happening during this long break ): Okay I'm kind of brain-dead right now to continue blogging about my current life so I shall just blog about my second Post As activity!!!! (:
Second post-As activity: Class Chalet 

Hahaha this class chalet was dated all the way back to the first Thursday-Friday-Saturday of December 2013. I would say it wasn't the best chalet I ever had (Note: I have only been to 2 chalets, excluding this, so far HAHA) because it was so bloody hard to organise (everyone just seemed to be disinterested in having one, sigh) it and the place was soooo tiny.

I have really high expectations of chalets ever since my last chalet with 6E '07 at Pasir Ris PSA Bungalow. PSA Bungalow seriously set the benchmark. Let me elaborate.

It had:
- A majestic-looking metal fence (I had to climb over it when nobody bothered opening it for me one morning)
- Garage which can easily fit 2 cars
- Indoor BBQ pit
- Outdoor BBQ pit, equipped with tables, chairs, kitchen top and tap
- Front yard with a mini stage
- Movie room with a huge sofa and heavy curtains for maximum comfort (HAHA)
- Mahjong room with mahjong table, chairs and tiles
- Kitchen, full equipped!!!! (It has two kinds of baking oven even, WTS)
- Spacious dining area with a round table (sits ~10pax)
- 2/3 toilets (including one on base floor)
- 4 rooms (1 Queen-sized bed or 2 Single-sized beds each)

Oh yeah, and 4D3N for less than 300 bucks. YOU TELL ME, WHERE TO GET SUCH A CHALET.

Not forgetting, it was totally CLEAN. Unlike those Pasir Ris/ Downtown East chalets which I will definitely get down to my feet and scrub every single inch of the room and my sensitive skin will end up with rashes from the dust allergy. Dafuqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

Moving on, Day 1 was spent cleaning up the chalet and watching TV.
Headed down to Fish and Co. for dinner and shared the Seafood Platter with Clarice and Jinting. Yumyumz.
Clarice Chiobu's celebration celebration
Uhhh please don't celebrate your birthday there next time. They did a cheer for her and it was major awkwardness.

We then went to NTUC to stock up on snacks and water!!!!!
 Continued watching some American singing variety show on TV...
And woohoo we began on our biking journey~!!! 
I have never night-cycled in my entire life and I was really happy when everyone agreed to night cycle because I seriously love cycling ^^ We spent around 4hours before stopping by ECP's McDonalds for breakfast and another 3hours back to Pasir Ris Chalet. It was tiring, but I absolutely loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Victory shot LOL
Uh... So after the night cycling journey which ended at around 8/9AM (we started cycling only at 12/1AM), everyone crashed till late morning. HAHA I stayed awake with Clarice and Xinmin the entire morning, just stoning and talking at a corner.

We slacked and played cards the rest of the afternoon and hohoho, it was finally BBQ!!!! Guess who started the fire because the guys were busy with something else ;D
Truth is, it was my first time trying to start a fire HAHAHA. Never expected it to be successful. Yay to me and JJ!!!!

I was so bloody tired by the time the fire got started and went to take an hour nap...
The BBQ food was REALLY good!!!!

We ordered them from BBQ Wholesale (Halal-certified) and it was really affordable! We spent probably $15 and there were lotsa leftovers :/  Must-try are the sambal sotong, sambal stingray, prawns, buffalo wings and CUP CORN!!!! Er, try to avoid their cooked food if possible because it seriously tasted disgusting.

After the entire BBQ was over, I happened to notice that the previously-empty neighboring chalet was now occupied by two kids and a baby (with their maid) so I went over to greet them while the rest of the class played poker in the house.

Well well well, the kids instantly liked me (surprisingly HAHA) and started fooling around. The older sister (P3/4) was initially really nice to talk to. She even allowed me to play with her baby brother (who was turning one the next day, hence their chalet) and carry him around. The baby was REALLY adorable!!!

But soon, there came a point when we discussed about her maid and bloody hell, guess what that arrogant little girl said. "She is just a maid. I don't need to ask her for permission and I can go where I want to go. She has no say etc etc". Kids nowadays are so ridiculously spoilt. Major turn-off.

We then watched Dead Silence after everyone washed up. HAHA everyone screamed at the tiniest sound made at the beginning, but the entire show wasn't that scary la. I dozed off at certain parts so up till now, the storyline doesn't make sense to me HAHAHA.

Yup, so that pretty much sums up my chalet experience with 12SH16! It was the last time I met them and I wonder when the next meeting will be...

Okay it's 3AM and I should start on revision. Goodnight and have a good week ahead! :D

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