Friday, August 9, 2013

SN Fiesta 2013 ^^


I'm back with my post on SN Fiesta, which was on 7 August!!! Unlike everyone else, I didn't really enjoy myself there and kind of regretted going actually. It was so damn crowded and I hated it. There was hardly any space to walk or sit and it was a horror for me to squeeze past all the sweaty people.

I guess I have a little of what-you-called-that, enchlophobia (fear of crowds). Maybe I had it all my life just that being an extrovert kind of covers up for it. But yeah honestly, I hate being in crowded places, always feeling this urge to leave whenever I'm attending large-scaled events. I get really pissed, sometimes helpless, whenever strangers block my way. When I'm brave enough, I'll say 'Excuse me'. Most of the time, I'll just squeeze my way through. Maybe that's the reason why I'm so good with squeezing through large crowds.

Then again, I still remember the vivid memories of young me dreading trips to the mall because just somehow my lungs starts to go on strike, leaving me breathing difficulties throughout the whole time in the mall. It was terrible. I'm just glad I went past that stage already and am so much better now. BUT YEAH the crowd yesterday sucked big-time.

And maybe the fact that my closest SN buddies decided not to come ):
After much Wooh ho-oh during NDC (it was pretty boring though I understand how much effort the 46th put in lolololol), I headed for SN with Melonyyyyyyyy ^^ We reached pretty early (~1130AM) despite slacking in school after NDC and buying drinks at AMK Hub^^ But the crowd was already crazy enough, even though Fiesta just started -_-
I miss SN mirrors so badly ): In case you don't know, there were literally mirrors at the end of every flight of stairs for vainypots HAHA.
The famous SN bridge ^^ I don't even remember its name lolololol.

The rides there were kind of catered for the little 小妹妹们, which made it even more boring for me T.T
Looks boring right hahahaha.

3 badges of Trombone SL!!!!! ^^ 
The crowd got larger after lunch (BLEH!) so Melony (another crowd-hater lolololol) and I decided to head up. Only to my surprise, I FOUND THIS...
Apparently it's only for the Primary kids lolololol the walls are really short too... Say, 2 meters?
Kkkkkk that's all. Errrr yeah, it was that boring to me HAHA. I doubt I'll be going back for any Fiestas any time soon O.O By the way, all photos were taken with my old cameraaaa. Was too lazy to bring along my DSLR :/

Anyway, if you're interested in SN's cheerleading, you might enjoy this ^^ (Minus the annoying screaming of course)
Hehehehehe I'm going to start studying now and do up the pretty hair later tonight!!!! YOU GO STUDY TOO K. Prelims' in... 19/18 days I think? HAHA whatever.


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