Friday, August 9, 2013

Jtune: 3-day work week!!!


HAPPY HARI RAYA PUASA EVERYONE!!! Though I'm not a Muslim, I'm so happy for all Muslims
and non-Muslims!!! Because the Muslims get to celebrate their breaking of fast and we are getting a holiday thanks to their day of celebrations =D

It's a beautiful day for slacking and guess what I am doing now!! Watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone now!!! I'm nearly three hours into the movie now, NOT BAD RIGHT. Considering how I've never watched any Harry Potter movies in whole before. HAHAHA I'M SERIOUS. 

Okay, the story in short is that I've tried watching the first movie 6 times and all 5 out of 6 times, I never went past the 30-minutes mark without sleeping. The last time I watched, I think I stopped watching it when the kids were playing the Wizard's chess and Ron fainted. Errrr and as I'm typing this, I just watched the first cameo appearance by Voldermort :O 

Omg this is SO AMAZINGGGGGZXCCC. My favourite scene is the one at the market when Harry first entered wizard town (Is that the name?? HAHA). Every single detail, from the shop signs to food, were so intricate and I loved it. Hahaha walaozxc don't laugh at me. I haven't read any Harry Potter books either :/ I think I'll read them after A levels. And the movies too!! ^^ K another addition to my After A's To-Do List!!! 

Hours later...

Hehe anyway I'M A HAPPY GIRL TODAY!!! Watching Harry Potter in whole for the first time, watching the TV for the entire morning/afternoon, and having good hair day ^^ I woke up with nice wavy hair and never bothered to comb it since. AND IT'S STILL LOOKING GREAT AFTER THE WHOLE DAY ^^ 

Now I'm less inclined to chopping off my long tresses ^^ Errr yeah, I've been wanting to chop them off for quite some time already. But Thiam and XM told me not too until after Prom so I didn't hahahaha I shall go to Prom with LOOONNNNNGGGGG and pretty wavy hair :> 

I'll chop my hair off next year because... I WANT TO HAHA. The shortest I went was above shoulders when I was really young. Like... when I was 5? HAHAHA woah that's such a long time ago!!!! YUPZ So time for me to try out a new style ^^ 

Anyway, I trimmed a little of my fringe on Tuesday night!!! It might not look any different to you but it sure looks less horrible to me ^^ I mean, there's a reason why I haven't been letting my fringe down since Aristal. HAHA let me show you the difference k.
Hahahahaa so I was scrolling through my Facebook photos earlier this week, deciding whether to just trim my fringe or cut it short. And... I decided to dig out photos of me when I still had a nice fringe!!! Lolololol yeah yeah I'm vain like that.
My fringe not bad right??? ^^ I've been trimming my fringe myself since JC started because visiting the hairdresser for a fringe trim was not worth it. You should learn to trim your own fringe too!!!!! I haven't screwed it up before so I guess it's quite easy!! ^^ 

Errrr so while I was looking through my photos... I FOUND THIS!!! 
HAHA me at Prom 2 years ago!!!! This is just a random insert, because I thought you might be interested in how I looked at Prom LOLOLOL. I think this photo was the best out of everything because my heavy makeup wasn't that obvious ^^ 

I still have lots to say about my hair, but I think I'll do that in the next post  instead because I still have lots of hair-unrelated stuff I want to say in this post!!!! Hopefully I can do up that post by tomorrow because I have twenty over bookmarks just on pretty hairstyles so I want to clear them ASAP!!! 

Whoops I got caught up with my TV and shows on the computer that I actually forgot to post this. HAHAHA I'll continue this post with another one later!!!!


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