Sunday, August 4, 2013

My birthday's coming!!! In a month lololol


I've just spent the past hour reading a book my sister borrowed from the library because I was getting tired from doing Maths. The book was meh compared to the books I read in the past. Yes, I read. I used to borrow books on a weekly basis since I was P5, but I stopped reading after O's. I was pretty obsessed with books that I was reading even when exams were ongoing. Maybe I'll start reading after A's.
ANYWAY. It's the 4th of August today!!!! AND MY BIRTHDAY'S IN A MONTH ^^ Errr I'm not exactly excited for it because there's a Chemistry paper on my birthday. I'll most probably go home to catch up with sleep after the paper. Most boring birthday EVER :/

Errr so... someone asked me "How would your birthday celebration be?" a week ago and I was pretty surprised. I mean, who remembers birthdays nowadays if not for Facebook lolololol. Yupzzz so I've decided to answer it here because I have a whole bunch of stuff I want to say HAHAHA in case you are interested in planning one for me.

Okay I was joking. I'm not expecting any sort of celebration this year actually, mainly because a stupid Chemistry paper has to fall on my birthday. So people will be busy mugging their heads off while I pathetically blow myself a candle at twelve midnight HAHAHA oh my god.

BUT HEY I'm still that typical teenage girl who is about to enter adulthood and secretly hopes that someone will remember her 18th birthday and give her a blast ^^ Lolololol now this is a known secret now that I'm blogging about this.
Okay, let's see... So last year, the Councillors gave me a birthday surprise at CWP and honestly, I was shocked HAHA. They lied about this teacher (whom I was really afraid of) wanting to meet me for dinner and talk about a serious problem which cropped up that afternoon. And tadah, the 45th appeared with 3 balloons (which I gave away soon after) and a lovely surprise.
Because my birthday always falls on the September holidays, I have never gotten any birthday surprises. So I was really glad when this bunch of close friends came down from school just to celebrate it (':

Yupzzzz so I really hope I can have a blast this year, because I'll most probably just heck my birthday after I'm 18 lolololol because I want to stay 18 forever!!!! ^^

Errrr my wish for this year is very simple!! ^^ My wish is just to meet up with all my close friends at pretty places, have a fun day and take lotsa photos HAHAHAHA.
Is good enough ^^ Hahaha you know how much I'm into photography and photos nowadays. You can like, give me a whole BIG album of our pretty photos together and I'll be really happy ^^

As for presents... I'll be really thankful if people don't give me useless stuff HAHA. I mean, if you don't know what to get for me, just wish me happy birthday and have a text conservation with me the entire day. I'll be happy that way ^^


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