Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jtune: Prelims


Sigh, I know I should be studying for Prelims now, but when your body fails on you, forcing you to sleep at 9PM and waking at noon the next day  (That's 15 hours of potential studying gone), you know that your study plans are pretty much screwed. Whatever, I'll start after I finish this post. 

So this week had been mundane with the usual studying-in-school-slacking-at-home routine. When does life ever get exciting anyway? Hahahaha talk about the boring life of a JC2 student. 

As much as I wish to give up studying for Prelims and let it flop like what I usually do, I have this part of me who really wants to mug and do well for this last examinations before A's come. But then again, no matter how I want that, I know it's unrealistic and way out of my reach. 

Even getting a Pass in every subject is already a struggle for me, what rights do I have to say I want to do well? I just feel pathetic right now. 
Sighhhh. Hahaha please don't think I'm feeling depressed/ emotional!!!! I'm really okay about this matter because I'm not going to die or give up studying or whatsoever. I just want to rant lololololol and I don't know, ranting on my blog makes me feel better & motivated because I can talk about stuff without having to listen to anyone's words of comfort (have I ever mentioned how annoyed I feel whenever someone tries to console me??).

Yeah, I'm really fineeee.

SO YEAH... I've decided to mug my head off from now on. Wellz, whether it'll turn out well, that's a whole new story HAHA. Now that Prelims are less than 4 days away, I think I will actually study since there's an urgency!!! ^^ 

Yupzzzz, so jiayou guys!!! 我们可以的!!!
By the way, have you gotten your tickets for Prom? (: 
My class has gotten them already!!!!!!! As happy as I am to be going for Prom with my class, there's this tinge of sadness when I got the tickets ): Apparently 160 people have already bought their tickets before us despite my (annoying, week-long) attempts to rush the class into buying the tickets. 

Sighhhhhh. Whatever. Go get your dates for prom nowwwww ^^
Okay, it's nearing 2 hours since I started on this post. Time to study, study and study. ^^ 

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