Sunday, August 25, 2013

Jtune: Pen's out of ink ):


So... my plan to study after finishing my previous post didn't work out very well ):
Apparently the annoying kid (which my mum babysits) came today and he spent the whole afternoon/night in the living room with my parents watching TV while my sisters, who were occupying both rooms, gaming and Skyping left me no quiet room to study in.

Can't wait for the day when I finally have my own room!!!!

Wellzzz on the bright side, the kid went home at 10PM and I managed to start work at midnight after much procrastination!!! (:

But here I am blogging because my one and only favourite black pen just ran out of ink ): To make things worse, I have no refills at home either. Talk about bad luck ): Even my pen doesn't want me to study sighhhhh.
I guess I'll just leave the 4 chapters worth of notes-writing to tomorrow and Monday and stick to memorising all 11 Econs chapters before the sun appears (:

Kkkkk off to memorize stuff now. You must 加油 hor!!!!!


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