Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vampire Academy


I'm blogging after what seems like a century!!!!! I have sooo much I want to blog about but I can't really remember most of them already. Lolololol. I'll try my best k HAHA

The most exciting thing that happened to me this week was perhaps... getting a date for Valentine's Day 2014!!!!! HAHAHA yeah yeah, there's still another 180 days till then. But nothing comes too early right ^^ Sorry to pop your bubble but NO, I'm not going out with a guy. 我没有男朋友 and HAHA 谁要我这个超级无敌烦死人的鸡婆小妹啦!!!!
Okay, that's not the point. YUPZ so on Feb 14 next year, I have a movie date with my VA buddies, Rachel and Leshia!!! ^^ IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY KNOWN...


It's a series of 6 paranormal, romance novels by Richelle Mead. It tells the story of Rose Hathaway (18-year-old Dhampir) who is training to protect her Moroi best friend, Lissa, from the bloodthirsty, immortal Strigoi. Romance between her instructor, Dimitri Belikov, starts blooming along the way.
Dhampir = Half-vamp Half-human | Moroi = Good Vamp | Strigoi = Evil, Ruthless Vamp
I've been following this series since 2008 and it's absolutely AMAZING. I swear, this is the one and only series which I've ever followed through my years of reading.

Trust me, it's totally not like Twilight!!!! For lots of reasons. REALLY.

Wellzzz for one, this series is really addictive, unlike Twilight which bored me to sleep in its 1st quarter of the novel HAHAHA. And the female lead is a major badass, who is reckless and amazingly courageous, unlike Bella Swan (that stupid weakling HAHA). As for the guy... he's a hotttttt Russian (with an accent even OMG).
Richelle's style of writing is absolutely brilliant and captivating, that you can literally play out the whole scene in your head!!!!!! The series covers lotsa genres such as supernatural, romance, friendship, action, adventure, fantasy etc. Yet, everything flows at such a pleasant pace that you will not even notice that 3/4 major events have happened in just one novel alone. There are cliffhangers, the usual sweet romance, really unexpected twists and it's really adrenaline-pumping. And mind you, Richelle actually researched on vampires before she dived into writing this series so she does know her facts.

Even their covers are SO pretty!!!!!
YEAH, SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO READ THE SERIES. This is really the first time I've ever introduced anyone to a novel series, so I guess this shows how awesome this series is!!!

Hehehehe you can read the excerpts of the novels at:

OI, only read the novel if you have finished revision or after A's have ended okay. Or maybe you can just read the first book BECAUSE YOU SHOULD HAHAHA. I have eBooks of the whole series (PDF) so I can send it to you if you want hehehehe. Like you know, you can read it on your way to school or back home to fully utilize your time HAHAHA

Oh ya, back to the Valentine's Day date.

The most fantastic thing about this series is... A movie on VA will be out next year, Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!! Having read (and followed) the series for 5/6 years (from the actual VA series to the current spin-off series) and following the OVAM (Official VA Movie) FB page for the last 2 years (rights were bought in 2010), the movie finally came!!!!!!!!

I really hope the movie will be an awesome one and get super lots of views so that the producers will continue producing the show ^^

Speaking of which, the production team is a really awesome bunch!!!! I mean, which production team actually sets up a FB page and constantly update their fans on their progress???!!!! When they first wrote the script, when they first started castings, when they started filming, everything's written on their FB page!! They released lots of behind-the-scenes on their page too, making everyone start their crazy fangirl-ing lolololol.

The casts are FABULOUS too!!!! Every cast turned out everything like what we imagined (hardly heard much negative comments yet), equally beautiful yet different in their own ways. I have nothing but praises for the casting team because they picked a real Russian for Dimitri (who has a Russian accent like the book WOAHHH)!!!! YOU TELL ME, which casting teams extends their casting overseas??!!!
Apparently, the stars themselves like making their fans crazy by posting such photos like these...
This is what and I look like after 6 hours of training.

First day of filming!!

That's a wrap on . I love you so very much.
Photos are taken from @ZoeyDeutch on Twitter :) 

Other than that, I'm pretty glad that the movie's plot will not be too different from the books! The production team asked for Richelle's opinion throughout the whole production process and Richelle said that the film does follow the book!!!! So nice of them hor ^^

WOOHOOOO and the teaser trailer is out a few days ago!!!!! Hahaha it was supposed to be released on the 15th but the Weinstein Co. production team put the VA fans to a 10K RT challenge to unlock a sneak peek of the teaser trailer. Guess what, VA fans completed that challenge in 2 hours. Dafuqqqqqq :O

Sneak Peek of Teaser Trailer:

Teaser Trailer:
Did I mention that the screenplayer/writer and director of the film are the Waters brothers -- Daniel Waters (Heathers) and Mark Waters (Mean Girls) respectively?

And the fact that I read Book 2 (Frostbite) before Book 1? HAHAHA omg I can't wait for 2014 to comeeee!! Okay okay, I shall shut up and start revising now!!!! Haven't done anything since the weekends started OMGZZZ

Hehe go read the novels and watch the teaser trailers okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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