Monday, December 9, 2013

A year older

Today marks a year since I returned to blogging.
I was reading through everything I've posted in the past year. 82 posts. It's not much and yet they hold so much memories and those small little details which I'll probably forget ten years down the road.

I have to admit that blogging can be really tedious for me at times.

I have to sift through my entire photo collections, resize and adjust the brightness of selected photos, edit post formats etc. One post alone can take hours or even days to complete but it's alright. I still love blogging.

Now that As and class chalet's over, I'm finally getting down to blogging again ^^ HOORAY I HAVE SO MANY STUFF I WANT TO BLOG ABOUT!!!!!!!! My life in NJ, Climbing, Council, Prom, Chalet blahblahblah. Okay maybe not Prom hahahahaha.

Okay I'm going off to watch more TV. BYE ^^

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