Thursday, October 17, 2013

Jtune: Life's a meh; Graduation

Hi guys!! ^^ My brain's functioning alright now so I'm here to well, rewrite the previous useless post and make it er... more useless? HAHA.
11th October

Last day of official lessons. Didn't feel a tad of sadness, which is weird. I mean, last day of sitting in a proper classroom with proper tables and chair, I should be treasuring every moment but apparently not. Ohwellz, maybe it was due to the extension GP lecture which drained the emotions out of us HAHA.

On the bright side, I've got photos with every single teacher, including Ms Iris Champagne! :) A post of all the photos will be up soon. Like after Alevels and Prom LOL. I'm kind of excited whenever I think about writing that post actually. I have SO MUCH I have to say about my life in NJ, I seriously wonder how long that/those post(s) will be. In any case, happy waiting till then =D

OH I went for a haircut too!! Didn't turn out as nice as I expected but I'm pretty okay with it hahaha. But I swear I'll never go to that cheapo hairdresser to have my hair snipped to some grassy hay again.

14th October
Graduation Day :)

Farewell Assembly, which took up the entire morning, was a complete waste of time. We were given an overview of our Preliminary Examination results by the Principal, listened to talks by the Discipline Mistress for examination conduct, listened to the Principal's farewell speech and spent an hour or so just presenting her with tokens of appreciation.

The only memorable part was towards the end when this alumnus of ours told us her life story. Compared to us, her life was beyond horrible. An orphan, diagnosed with an illness, she's an amazing and brave girl who managed to graduate from NUS with First-Class Honors despite having undergone three failed surgeries. I'm not intending to reveal anymore because she will still be back in NJ's SH2 Farewell Assembly in years to come so wait for it juniors :) Hearing this heartwarming as well as heart-wrenching story told to you herself will definitely touch even the deepest parts of the hearts of the emotionless ones.

A buffet spread was provided, and honestly the noodles were yucky. The yummy pastries made up for it though. I hope the school gets a better caterer next year HAHA. So... after having 菜饭 , I went CRAZY-CRAZY-CRAZY-TILL-WE-SEE-THE-SUN. Okay, hahahaha random song insert.

Got so high after lunch and forced my classmates to do some crazy stuff with me. Fooling around the monkey bars, sliding downhill on cardboard (which failed), climbing a tree (more like running up), virgin Sogurt visit etc. It was really fun ;)
I'll blog more about it in detail soon! :)

Extension lectures and consultations have started and I don't know, I AM STILL NOT IN THE MOOD OF STUDYING. 

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