Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jtune: 40 days to A's and still counting...

Well, we're finally down to the forty day mark.

It's scary.

Never have I been so unprepared for a major examination and imagining the grades I'll receive is just a terrifying thought. Four days ago, Prelim results were released.

Every subject (except Chemistry, U haha) was a borderline E. That's after some moderation and rounding up of decimal places, so my actual grades were far worse. Countless times I've told myself that such grades are alright considering the amount I studied (for the entire year). Countless times the same old disappointment returns to overwhelm this naive thought and kill a little bit of me each time.

It sucks, it really does.

But no, I'm not giving up just yet. Because this is a time when one finally realise that these pitholes aren't all about failure, but a source of motivation too. Time to mug hard, guys.

And so I've been pretty inconsistent in blogging nowadays ever since Term 4 started. Drowning in the endless mind-boggling lessons often leaves me sleepy by the time I reach home, and yeah I just can't find the time to blog because of the insane amount of time I need to write each post :/ But I'm still going to blog every Saturday because blogging makes me feel like I'm in my own world =D

Errr I initially intended for this post to be up before midnight last night but I dozed off while I was at it HAHA. I went prom-dress shopping in town with Leshia and Rachel yesterday!!!!!! ^^
Photo taken from Facebook.

We were previously classmates in P5/6 and the funny thing was I never used to like them and would avoid them as much as possible then. But somehow... in our second half of schooling in St Nicks, we got closer because our classrooms were next to each other. SOOO WEIRD HAHA.

Anyway, they were my prom-dress shopping partners 2 years ago and I was delighted to be able to go out with them again this time =D Hahaha that shopping date two years back was awesomezxc. That was the first time I went to town in my entire Secondary school life, and to be honest I was really reluctant about it. I didn't like wearing dresses back then so the idea of being a Barbie doll of the day wasn't exactly very appealing. But it turned out really wonderful because I got to try out all types of dresses and I felt so princess-cy then ^^

In the end, I managed to get a pretty LBD (Little Black Dress) from F21 at a pretty good deal. But that wasn't exactly the best dress, sadly ): There was a really great LBD from Mango then and it was dabombzxc!!!!! It was a real classic piece of LBD and it was such a pity I couldn't get it ): There wasn't a fitting size for me (S was too small, M was too loose) so BOOHOO. It was seriously the perfect dress for me and even up to now, all three of us can remember how that dress looks like!!!!!! Sigh.

I hope I can find a nice dress for this year!! *prays hard*

Errrr SO YA. Back to yesterday. We entered shops after shops in ION and Wisma but prom-dresses aren't in season right now so there were really limited choices. So after the entire day, we had to return empty-handed despite the countless times Rachel and Leshia went in and out of the fitting rooms with loads of dresses. Errrr as for myself... I was just standing at the sidelines, picking out dresses for them :)

And of course, enjoy the pretty layouts and decorations in the shops (especially fitting rooms) ^^ Hohoho, what's enjoyment without snapping pretty photos of them?!!
These fitting rooms were the most unique ones I've never seen and well, I was glad I managed to capture photos of them before my camera died HAHA. Did I mention I brought the battery with only a bar left out so it didn't last for more than an hour...? Oops HAHA

That pretty much sums up yesterday and here are more photos which were taken last week! It was an impromptu decision to go for a walk myself (after the failed library mugging session) and brought my camera along! ^^

It was my first time taking night photos (seriously) and the photos turned out better than what I expected :)

My favourite photo was the second one!!! ^^ It was taken on a hill which overlooks South Woodlands and everything about it (the height, the silence, the night breeze) was awesomezxc. I'm intending to bring a piece of cardboard along the next time so I can slide down the hill!!!!! Yeah, the slopes were really steep and prickly!

And...... My very first attempt at tying fishtail braid :) NOT BAD RIGHT HAHAHA.

Okay time to start work. BYE GUYS.

Note1: All photos in this post aren't edited at all! (YAY!) And... I've stopped filtering all my photos all together! (Pinoyland photos weren't filtered either!) Only editing all the brightness/ of the photos now so I guess it's a good thing right...? ^^

Note2: Omg Fiona Sng commented on my previous post "Indulge in Pictorial Excerpts :)"!!! And I only realised a week after that lolololol, so I doubted she saw my reply, ohwellzxc.

Anyway, thank you to the Anonymous who introduced Beauty and Briefcase!! The show looks good and I'll definitely watch it when I have time (Woohooo more shows to watch!!) ^^

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