Monday, October 21, 2013

Tessa's Eighteenth!!

So, on the night of 19th, Windy texted me to ask whether we should surprise Tessa at AC the next morning and I happily went with that idea. Wellzzz, we overslept and hahaha that surprise was pushed back to lunch when we'll crash her birthday lunch. And hohoho, it failed yet again.

We then resorted to texting her mum where will they be for dinner and told her about our surprise plan in Tessa's room and things didn't go very well because we were late AGAIN. HAHAHA so yeah, Tessa reached home before we could sneak into her house. This is what you get when two girls who are forever late to plan a birthday surprise. (:

So our final plan was for Windy to call Tessa down to the playground while I sneaked into her room to blow up balloons and all. And hell yeah, the surprise finally went on smoothly ^^

Preparations...... ^^
Tessa's card!!!! 
On to the surprise itself ^^
How she looked in early Primary school days ;)

Omg this cake was dabombzxc!!! If you like chocolate, you'll definitely love it!!!
Even I (who super dislike chocolate) loved it LOLOLOL
It's a chocolate mousse cake with a layer of chocolate crust and it's super yummy!!!!! 
You can get it (Double Chocolate Pralines) from The Patissier!! =D
女主角 of the day!!! ^^
Tessa's entire family look like each other hor???
Windy, Tessa, Me
It happened to be our Primary 6 teacher's birthday on the very same day, so we decided to send her a photo of us, wishing her happy birthday!!! Hahahaha she still remembers us, surprisingly (:

After the celebration, we stayed in the room and chatted till well over midnight. It was such a wonderful time being able to catch up with each other's lives and listening to their stories in AC. Even up to now, I still have that teeny tiny regret of not entering AC with them because I'm still not used to not seeing them around in school, like how I used to in WGPS and St Nicks ):

BUT I've never regretted coming to NJ la, because this is all where I meet every single one of you here who's reading this right now. LOVE YOU GUYS HAHAHA.

I will perhaps talk about how our little story back in Primary school on how we got so close another time!! (: It's definitely not a story of us bumping into each other in the toilet and going "Let's be best friends!" the very next minute. It's much more complicated and this thing was possibly a major event which changed all of our lives. This is why even up till now, we'll still be as close as ever despite the lack of daily chatting because there is still a part of us which can never forget that frigging 2-year long incident.

Before I go, Happy 18th Birthday Tessa Ang!!! =D

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