Hehehe I'll be talking about the Grad Night dinner I had on the day before May Day (30th or 31st April ah? Too lazy to check :/ ) Buttttt before I get excited and go into the specific details, here's an inspirational picture I've found!!!
Inspirational right? HAHAHA just joking. But you have to admit this picture is nice and it does make sense. Well, at least it does makes sense to me now.
Before the last week of preparations for Grad Night, I really dread having to do any GN-related work. Like REALLY. Because of many many reasons like the teachers were scary, having screw ups and getting harsh scoldings ever so often, and the list goes on and on.
So ya, not much photos were taken during that period because all I thought at that point in time was to get over and done with this shitty thing and not have any memories of it. And now I'm regretting like mad!!!!!!
Because thinking back, if I include all those scary-teachers-many-screw-ups-and-scoldings stuff, there were indeed lots of fun things that happened during that period!!! Stuff like practicing for pub stunts and flash mob. I still remember those times we spent in the air-conditioned Council Room acting and dancing away crazily. There's some video somewhere but I have no idea where the video went :/
But after digging through thousands of photos in Facebook, I managed to find these two photos!!
(Click to enlarge)
These screenshots were taken when we were discussing about pub stunt. I think we were lacking creativity then so we starting writing dumb stuff -_-Some photos from Council outing that was held right right after CTs!!

Hehehe, nevermind at least we still have some very nice photos nearing Grad Night ;) Most photos were taken with Thiam so yeahhhhh, just scroll all the way down if you get tired of our faces HAHA

And of course, Grad Night itself!!!!!
Before Grad Night, we were fooling around with those pretty balloons ^^

During the event itself...

Dead tired after the whole event T.T

Back to our room!!!! ^^ (First 2 were taken before the event!)

Breakfast at Ya Kun Kaya Toast the next morning...

Looking at these photos is really makes me feel nostalgic!! I know time will never rewind back to those bitter, sweet and sour times but photos will always be around to remind us of these memories ^^ Yupppp, so please take more photos guys!!! These photos will definitely come into great use one day!! (:
Okayyyyyy, back to the main topic of last week's meet up!!
Hehehe so basically, we were told to meet up as a committee at Suntec City. I was late as usual and we were so shocked when we entered the restaurant!!!
Our dear GN teachers were treating us to dinner at Tony Roma's!!!!! It's DAMN HIGH CLASS okay!! Our reactions were like really big 'cause dinner was supposed to be at some other typical place but reservations were full there so the teachers kept the new dining place a secret from us until we saw it ourselves.
Before I begin, here's a photo of our first 'formal' dinner as a committee!! Food tasting at Marriott Hotel hehe.
I wanted to snap lots of photos 'cause everything in there was super pretty and high-class but I didn't have my camera plus the fact that Crystal's camera was dying, we only snapped less than 10 photos ): So... let the English-noob describe it to you kay. Ahemhemhem
Short Description:
Tony Roma's is located at Suntec City Basement 1. Itt had a really special layout! The normal kind of tables (with wooden chairs) were in the middle of the restaurant and the sides of the restaurants were small little black cubicles with red lamps hanging from the ceiling (suitable for 4~5 people)! At a corner of the restaurant was a special room which seemed to have a 'forest' theme to it. The chairs in there were straw-like with lots of plants everything, and the walls looked super nature-ish if I remembered correctly.
It sounds like a really bad description, sorry la ): I had never been good at descriptive essays.
Anyway, so as we waited for Ju, Lion, Milly and ZJ, the others taught the teachers internet slang like CMI, MIA etc while Thiam and I were busy snapping away photos of ourselves. Hehehe they got annoyed so everyone had to surrender their phones and place it in the middle.

I went to Google for images of the food we had!! Say I'm nice ^^

The Onion Loaf comes with BBQ sauce if I remember correctly! It's quite okayyyyy I guess. Never exactly a fan of onions :/
OMG this potato skins are DAMNNN good!!! It's damn 香 with all those garnish on top ^^ I think there were bits of bacon on it to make it super deliciousssssss.
The Appetizer Samplers itself was quite filling! There were more potato skins (OMG!!), cheese sticks and marinated chicken. The cheese is super cool, you can pull it 5cm from your mouth but it still doesn't break!!! ^^ Love that kind of rubbery cheese manxz. The chicken tasted quite weird to me la. It was like a combination of chilli and lotsa ketchup -.- Oh ya, the sauces (BBQ, mayo, something else) goes well with the dishes too!!!
Hehehe, the corn from the Ocean Feast were damn sweet ^^ Sotong rings and fried prawns (people called it calamari/ fried ebi but I prefer calling them my way HAHA) were okay-ish. I've tasted nicer ones~ But the lobster stick salad was niceeeee. Mainly 'cause of the chewy lobster sticks I guess.
The ribs were pretty tasty and sweet!!! But the chicken was horrible. It was super dry and tasteless ):< And it's super hard to cut it into smaller pieces coz of all those bones!!! Oh ya, the baked potatoes were great!!! Nicer than Raintree's HAHAHA
During the whole talk, I was just silently listening 'cause so much stuff were just running through my mind. HAHA I know, it's very un-Jennyish but oh well, stuff happens. Not going to say what they are but there's this one thing I've got to admit.
I really think that I'm super lucky to be in GN comm. Though I mentioned above that I hated all those scoldings and screw ups we got, this hatred eventually faded towards the end. 'Cause towards the end then did I realize that all those scoldings we received, all those screw ups we had, have really shaped us into responsible people. Like honestly la, I bet I'll be some super slack councillor who doesn't do work if I wasn't in this committee.
I'm just really grateful to the whole committee (teachers especially) who gave up their free time ever so willingly to help, guide and encourage each other, especially in times when support was really needed!!
I've indeed learned a lot from this process and hehe I really think I have grown up and have taken my (Council) work seriously from then on la. And now, I think I need to start applying this to my failing grades ); Sigh, it's damn hard la, considering the fact that I can't even bring myself to come up with a study plan :/ But I think I can do it if I try hard enough lor ^^
Okay, here are the photos which we took with Crystal's camera!!
Hahahaha I know this is a very very long post with lots of photos and words. Just had to write all of this down before I go on hiatus and focus on studying!!! Speaking of which, I still have Part Two to finish!! OMG HAHAHA die la.
Eeeee it's so late already, time for bed now!! Thank you so much for readingggggg guys!!! So grateful that people are actually willing to read this blog even lor. Hehehe, you know I'm talking about you ;) GOODNIGHT!
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