NOTE: If you are on your computer, please refresh this page till you see the fonts in Cambria. (Arial is fugly, tyvm) And enjoy ^^
Hello guys!!! While most of you were slogging away for CTs, I went for Navy Open House 2013 @ Changi Naval Base!!!
Hello guys!!! While most of you were slogging away for CTs, I went for Navy Open House 2013 @ Changi Naval Base!!!
It was awesome!!!!!
I'm so glad my dad told us about this event!! Like, I won't even know that this event existed if not for him. It was really kind of a last minute decision to have a family outing there, coz I was debating between using the day to study or visit this once-in-3-years-exhibition. And I chose... the exhibition obviously -_-
Anyone in the right state of mind would have chosen studying over the other, considering CTs' in 3 days. (DAMN, I have barely started revision, fml) But oh wellz, how can I ever resist fun ):
Okay okay, now more about Navy Open House 2013.
As you can see, it's an OPEN HOUSE. So, you just go there to learn how our dear Singapore Navy works, what kind of machines/ vehicles they use to defend our country, how courageous and loyal our men are blahblahblah...
Oh and did I mention about the endless cute guys you'll see HAHA. Oi don't judge me la!! Who doesn't like pretty things!!! And it's not like I'll not go for the Open House if there's no cute guys, but having them there is an extra extra plus point hehe ^^
Okay okay, I shall shut up about it before jealousy consumes you ^^ If you want to find out more about Navy Open House 2013, click on the red logo below to find out more!!!
The page is really user-friendly!! It has all kinds of information available for visitors, including what to wear and what to bring! Best part is, it has the pastel-cartoonish kind of scrapbook art graphics and I super love it!!! I think I've visited the page more than 30 times just to look at the cute ships okay HAHA Don't believe? I even took a screenshot!!!!

It's cute right!!! Or you can visit their Facebook page if you prefer to look at short updates about the event!! They have updated the page with the the latest photos from the past 4 days ^^
Being super kiasu Singaporeans (as usual), we originally wanted to wake up at 7 and set off early. But I woke only at 11plus ): Initially thought we could leave the house in an hours' time but oh wellz, my vain sister (Daisy) was putting on makeup and curling her hair and we left house only around 2.30? HAHA
Btw, her hair colour's like a combination of dark brown, light brown, cherry, red because somehow her cui hair dye fades after some time. I find it super pretty!! Especially with those soft curls ;)
Found one from her blog!! Eh, I took this photo too kkkkkkk.
Hehe, sooo I joined in the fun!!! ^^ I started playing around with the curling iron and I think my hair became nicer~ But all the curls disappeared after what, 5 minutes? My sister only told me to use her hairspray 15 minutes before we left home ): So my curls were barely there sigh.
I helped my sister do her makeup too!!! I helped her add wings to her eyeliner and she chided me off coz she found it fulgy. She washed it off and redid everything in 5 minutes HAHA. At least I helped her draw her eyebrows -whistles- She has no eyebrows (super fulgy, I tell you) coz she went to shave them previously. LET ME SHOW YOU.
Yupz, so off we went to take the bus and train to Singapore Expo! Heng it took us only about an hour to reach manxz. We reached Singapore Expo Hall 3 at around 3pm and the queue was HORRIBLE. If we reached any later, I bet we will reach Changi Naval Base at 6pm -.-
Speaking of the queue, it was damn damn damn damn damn damn damn long. It stretched from the carpark area outside Hall 4 all the way to the back of Hall 3. They put these barriers to make us walk in a zigzag snake manner. I think we walked continuously for 1 1/2 hours at a hiking speed!! SUPER TIRING ):
So basically, outside Hall 4 had ~8 lines then followed by a long line to Hall 3. Thought it ended there but NO -.- There were 3 sections in Hall 3 alone. Section One has about 10 lines and then we had to go through security gates!!!
I got their Open House flyer along the way ^^
Can't imagine the crowd?
Being super kiasu Singaporeans (as usual), we originally wanted to wake up at 7 and set off early. But I woke only at 11plus ): Initially thought we could leave the house in an hours' time but oh wellz, my vain sister (Daisy) was putting on makeup and curling her hair and we left house only around 2.30? HAHA
Btw, her hair colour's like a combination of dark brown, light brown, cherry, red because somehow her cui hair dye fades after some time. I find it super pretty!! Especially with those soft curls ;)
P/S I added filters to make the colors similar to her real hair colors!!
Found one from her blog!! Eh, I took this photo too kkkkkkk.
I helped my sister do her makeup too!!! I helped her add wings to her eyeliner and she chided me off coz she found it fulgy. She washed it off and redid everything in 5 minutes HAHA. At least I helped her draw her eyebrows -whistles- She has no eyebrows (super fulgy, I tell you) coz she went to shave them previously. LET ME SHOW YOU.
SEE, no eyebrows HAHA
Speaking of the queue, it was damn damn damn damn damn damn damn long. It stretched from the carpark area outside Hall 4 all the way to the back of Hall 3. They put these barriers to make us walk in a zigzag snake manner. I think we walked continuously for 1 1/2 hours at a hiking speed!! SUPER TIRING ):
So basically, outside Hall 4 had ~8 lines then followed by a long line to Hall 3. Thought it ended there but NO -.- There were 3 sections in Hall 3 alone. Section One has about 10 lines and then we had to go through security gates!!!
I got their Open House flyer along the way ^^
Can't imagine the crowd?
This photo was taken at Section Two! If your eyes are sharp, you'll be able to spot those security gates in the far end of the photo!! That's how long the queue is ):
Finally at Section 3!! The exit's at the right side ^^
We finally got onto the free shuttle bus and I started playing around with my camera, taking random shoots. Hehehe I filtered all the photos coz I was trying out with my new Windows 8 Apps! If you don't like filtered photos then too bad for you!!!!
Oh oh, did I mention that my sister, Daisy was dressed up like a Kpop star on that day!!!! So cool ^^
THE PHOTOS VERY NICE HOR. My good photography skills + good photo filter app = pretty photos!!!! ^^
So after a 10-15 minutes ride, we reached Changi Naval Base!!!!!!!! Coz I was standing right next to back door (the shuttle was something like the normal SMRT buses just that it's more high-class coz it's golden :O), I jumped off the bus immediately after the doors opened. I saw this guard running towards me so my mind was just going '???' and I jumped back onto the bus. Then sudden realisation, there was a guard who boarded the bus at the front and was giving instructions as to how to exit the base in the evening.
Walao, scared the shit out of me lor!! So after that guard alighted, my family and I alighted and I skipped merrily to the entrance!!!! And I was like WOAH.
The Naval Base was so HUGEEE. There were like 3 big docks with at least 5 ships!!! The sea breeze was damn shuang (look at how Daisy's hair is blown by the strong breeze!!), but the scorching sun wasn't exactly pleasant -_- But smart me suggested for my whole family to bring hats, sunglasses and even hand-fans so YAY. But I must thank the Navy Open House Homepage for the advice la ^^
After fishing out our conquer-the-crazy-heat-and-sunlight gears, my parents suggested to go into the air-conditioned tent first -.- They had models of warships placed everywhere. I think these models are real!! Like they really ship into the base just for this exhibition :O
So we ended up in MISSION ZONE tent which introduced all the different warships Singapore Navy uses ^^
Close-ups of the miniature models!
See that helicopter? It's either on the 'Endurance Class Legend Ship Tank', which comes before the helicopter or on the 'Formidable Class Frigate' below after the submarine! Hehehe, my camera damn zai right, can take such good close-ups. #reasonwhyIlovemycamera
After all the miniature models were the missiles :O The missiles looks super modern!! Like they was taken out of the 30th century HAHAHA
Then we went further into the tent and saw a photobooth for little kids and their families!! I think anyone can go la, just that there weren't people of my age who went for the exhibition -.- The little kids got to try on the navy uniforms and weapons and they looked SUPER cute!!!! Coz the uniforms were mainly for adults, the attires looked super oversized on them!!! Omg, I want to hug them manxz.
The two photos above are no-filters! I know it's nice ;) The one below has alil bit of filter coz I wanted the mask to sorta glow so the little boy can look like TRANSFORMERS!!! Okay, I admit I haven't watched Transformers, so my image of it is just robots with glowing masks -_-
Daisy pulled me away from photobooth to go around and I captured some photos of the flags that were hung around. The flag represents the countries Singapore Navy works with ^^
Oh oh oh, then after taking random shots of flags, I saw two guys wearing the full Navy attire, taking photos with little kids!! And I totally went like "OMG I WANT TO TAKE PHOTOS WITH THEM". Since it's Navy Open House, it'll be stupid if I didn't take any photos with Navy boys right!! Plus the boys looked so cute in the uniforms HEHE ^^
Just as I was staring at them, the shorter one asked me whether I wanted a photo with them coz all the little kids seemed to have disappeared. I tugged Daisy along and got my dad to take the photo for us. But my dad chose to MIA with the rest of family so we had to search for him.
By the time we came back, the two Navy boys were crowded by little kids again ): So we had to wait. The shorter guy was being damn cute and kept telling us "Haha after this okay", but every time we tried to go up for our turn, some little innocent kid will cut in ); And so we waited...
AT LAST, we managed to squeeze through the crowd, which mysteriously appeared, and it's was finally my turn!!!!! Hehehe, I was so happy coz it was my first photo of the day with Navy boys and smiled liked a retard. Yupz, then something really funny happened in the short period between us squeezing through the crowd and waiting for my dad to take the photo.
Before I bore you with the long paragraphs so far, here's the photo!!!
The guy on my left is DAMN tall!! Omg I'm only at his shoulder manxz -.- Remind me not to get such a tall boyfriend next time okay, we will look so awkward together!! HAHA
Okay, going to the funny part. I swear it's the funniest thing that happened the whole day okay!! SUPER DRAMATIC too. So while we were getting into our positions for the photo, the shorter guy called out some name (Eddie, if I'm not wrong?) and this guy from a group of Navy boys on my left responded.
He went something like "Walao, shit you la" and ran towards us. He then squeezed his way through the parents and kids and a blue iPhone popped out. I was like "Huh???" but quickly turned back to my camera to smile for the photo.
HAHA then I realised what happened. Bet they wanted the picture coz of Daisy lor!!!!! Jelly sia. I was laughing away like mad as we went walking away to leave the tent coz Daisy had no idea what was going on. So I told her and she laughed along too. Hehehe why is that shorter guy so cute!!
We entered the next tent, only to find out it was the food court. Popular stalls like Lao Ban and Yogurt Place were there to set up stalls! There was even a stage for performances put up by singers and dancers! Singers sang famous songs like Payphone and The Girl on Fire and the dancers really put up a splendid performance!! ^^
My family then started on our adventure on the docks! The ships all looked super mighty and majestic!!!
Sigh, but no matter how majestic it looks, it looks kinda of boring to stay on for weeks. Not counting the long months the Navy has to stay on them to protect Singapore ): I think I will go crazy if I have to face that same sea every day lor.
We continued walking along the dock and I saw this super cute paper mascot!!! Since I'm always the person behind the camera, I only had one photo taken!! Walao, I hate photos without me inside but then I like taking pretty photos. The ironic -_- Yupz, so I got Daisy to snap this photo for me!!! ^^
I'm considering to use this photo for my Facebook profile picture!! HAHA bet you are going "Finally." nowwww. Oh wellz, I always think that my photos aren't nice enough as a display picture, which explains why I never had one.
Question of the Week: Should I?????? Lolololololol and I realised that my blouse+belt+pants is cheaper than my shoes -.-'''
After snapping this photo, we realised that my mum and sister were missing!! We only managed to contact them after 10 minutes of calling and found out they were at the last dock -.- Aiya, here's a clearer illustration.
See the map? I took it off the Navy 2013 Homepage and lump everything together into one photo HAHA. Told you the homepage has lotsa cute graphics!! Anyway, we were at the red star while my mum and Roselyn were at the orange star!!
So my dad, Daisy and I made our way back to the base to meet them. In the meantime, I took more photos of the ships which were at the opposite dock (blue star)! ^^ Damn pretty!!!!
Along the way, we saw some little kids causing a little destruction.
I think I will do the same if I was their age HAHA. Why so cuteeeee ^^
So we walked towards the head of the dock to meet my mum and Roselyn and I camho-ed with Daisy!!!
SEE, I only add filters okay. My photos will still look nice even if no filters lor, but who doesn't want the best photos ;)
We got tired of waiting under the heat so we decided to get Shaved Ice. The dessert kiosk is super Wonderland-ish hor ^^
Freaking daylight robbery. $3 can get me 2 Ice Kachangs outside and this Shaved Ice isn't Ice Kachang okay. It's only ice + canned pineapples -.- But wellz, anything cold looks tempting under the hot sun.
My mum and Roselyn finally appeared after 15 minutes and we continued our way down to the very dock they came from. Retarded I know. There were displays along the linkway so yay ^^
Sigh sigh sigh, the booth closed just when I was about to join the queue. The Duck Tours isn't the typical kind you see at Singapore River okay!! The boat is ten times cooler!!! It's a truck on land, boat in water. BIG WOAH right.
We stupidly walked on to the last dock, not knowing it led to the exit. Had to walk all the way back to the first dock (still remember not???) Let me slot in the map again la!!
Walked from orange star to blue star to green star. (Duck Tours' at the yellow star btw.) It was a damn long walk and my parents were complaining all the way while I skipped ahead happily HAHA
The activities were pretty exciting ^^ There were 2 shooting ranges and a tent with 2 photo-booths!!! My sisters went to queue for the shooting while I went to take random shots again.
I love submarines!!!! Don't you think that they are like little fishies which can pop out the waters once in a while and dive back into the vast ocean? Okay, I'm spouting nonsense again. Ships at the dock (red star)!!
We built a ship Titanic, to sail the ocean blue!!!!!!
Nice shot of my sister shooting right!!! I was like 10-20 meters away from her and there were so many people blocking me ): Freaking hard to capture this shot.
Random camho-s!!
Went back to the air-conditioned tent with the 2 photo-booths. One was for people to dress up as different kind of Navy boys and the other was for the first-aiders.
The first-aiders booth was damn cool!!! Visitors could dress up as surgeons and there was an artificial body and surgical gears for us to take photos with. The helpers at the booth were super friendly too ^^
Initially, my sisters and I wanted to go for it together. My parents chided us off for being childish coz only little kids were participating so Daisy and I pulled out ): So annoying lor, it's not that we are being childish, it's just happen that there're no people of our age at that exhibition.
Sigh sigh sigh. But Roselyn was still brave enough to go for it ^^
It was getting late so time to go home ^^
Flags at the spectators stand.
Okay okay, the post is ending soon!!! Last photo and a few more words only ^^ Here's the last photo for the post~ A foreign Navy boy showing respect for his country. Think they were lowering their flags at 7 o'clock.
I'm super thankful that my camera didn't die on me manxz. You know it was screwing up the whole day, something to do with my battery pack not co-operating with my camera. But heng heng heng it didn't die.
Oh ya, the queue back to Singapore Expo was even more horrible compared to the one in Singapore Expo. Freaking hell, people were cutting queue like mad. Also, along the way to the 'holding lobby', we had to walk through their canteen. Recruits (if I'm not wrong) were kindly giving out free water and I think we should appreciate them for their help!!! ^^ Coz inconsiderate Singaporeans had to freaking throw their used and unused water bottles at random places, especially the water coolers, and make them clean up ):
Walao eh, thinking of those improper disposal of water bottles makes me rage!!! You throw your water bottle there, how do you expect the people who stay there drink their water. You can drink then they cannot drink is it. Piang eh, and don't you feel bad when those who are distributing free water to you having to clear up the mess you've created? Walaoxzzzzz want to box all those people man.
Moving on. Family and I went to Bedok hawker center to have dinner!!! I have always liked the food there coz everything is yummy to me ^^ Most probably coz I lived in Bedok when I was young and sort of 'grew up' there. And the fact that all the hawkers have given so much of their time and effort to support their families through selling the yummy food really makes me happy just walking pass it!!! OKAY LA, I shall stop talking already.
Omg I can't wait for 2016 to come!!!!!!!! The next Navy Open House will be held then ^^ Yupz, if you don't know, it's held only once every 3 years. Heng not every year lor, if not all the Navy boys will faint from the fatigue of organising this event!!!
Sadly, I have to end the post here now and start studying!!! Hopefully I can pass at least a subject for CTs manxzzzzz. BYE GUYS!!!! ^^
Finally at Section 3!! The exit's at the right side ^^
We finally got onto the free shuttle bus and I started playing around with my camera, taking random shoots. Hehehe I filtered all the photos coz I was trying out with my new Windows 8 Apps! If you don't like filtered photos then too bad for you!!!!
Oh oh, did I mention that my sister, Daisy was dressed up like a Kpop star on that day!!!! So cool ^^
THE PHOTOS VERY NICE HOR. My good photography skills + good photo filter app = pretty photos!!!! ^^
So after a 10-15 minutes ride, we reached Changi Naval Base!!!!!!!! Coz I was standing right next to back door (the shuttle was something like the normal SMRT buses just that it's more high-class coz it's golden :O), I jumped off the bus immediately after the doors opened. I saw this guard running towards me so my mind was just going '???' and I jumped back onto the bus. Then sudden realisation, there was a guard who boarded the bus at the front and was giving instructions as to how to exit the base in the evening.
Walao, scared the shit out of me lor!! So after that guard alighted, my family and I alighted and I skipped merrily to the entrance!!!! And I was like WOAH.
The Naval Base was so HUGEEE. There were like 3 big docks with at least 5 ships!!! The sea breeze was damn shuang (look at how Daisy's hair is blown by the strong breeze!!), but the scorching sun wasn't exactly pleasant -_- But smart me suggested for my whole family to bring hats, sunglasses and even hand-fans so YAY. But I must thank the Navy Open House Homepage for the advice la ^^
After fishing out our conquer-the-crazy-heat-and-sunlight gears, my parents suggested to go into the air-conditioned tent first -.- They had models of warships placed everywhere. I think these models are real!! Like they really ship into the base just for this exhibition :O
So we ended up in MISSION ZONE tent which introduced all the different warships Singapore Navy uses ^^
Close-ups of the miniature models!
See that helicopter? It's either on the 'Endurance Class Legend Ship Tank', which comes before the helicopter or on the 'Formidable Class Frigate' below after the submarine! Hehehe, my camera damn zai right, can take such good close-ups. #reasonwhyIlovemycamera
After all the miniature models were the missiles :O The missiles looks super modern!! Like they was taken out of the 30th century HAHAHA
Then we went further into the tent and saw a photobooth for little kids and their families!! I think anyone can go la, just that there weren't people of my age who went for the exhibition -.- The little kids got to try on the navy uniforms and weapons and they looked SUPER cute!!!! Coz the uniforms were mainly for adults, the attires looked super oversized on them!!! Omg, I want to hug them manxz.
The two photos above are no-filters! I know it's nice ;) The one below has alil bit of filter coz I wanted the mask to sorta glow so the little boy can look like TRANSFORMERS!!! Okay, I admit I haven't watched Transformers, so my image of it is just robots with glowing masks -_-
Daisy pulled me away from photobooth to go around and I captured some photos of the flags that were hung around. The flag represents the countries Singapore Navy works with ^^
Oh oh oh, then after taking random shots of flags, I saw two guys wearing the full Navy attire, taking photos with little kids!! And I totally went like "OMG I WANT TO TAKE PHOTOS WITH THEM". Since it's Navy Open House, it'll be stupid if I didn't take any photos with Navy boys right!! Plus the boys looked so cute in the uniforms HEHE ^^
Just as I was staring at them, the shorter one asked me whether I wanted a photo with them coz all the little kids seemed to have disappeared. I tugged Daisy along and got my dad to take the photo for us. But my dad chose to MIA with the rest of family so we had to search for him.
By the time we came back, the two Navy boys were crowded by little kids again ): So we had to wait. The shorter guy was being damn cute and kept telling us "Haha after this okay", but every time we tried to go up for our turn, some little innocent kid will cut in ); And so we waited...
AT LAST, we managed to squeeze through the crowd, which mysteriously appeared, and it's was finally my turn!!!!! Hehehe, I was so happy coz it was my first photo of the day with Navy boys and smiled liked a retard. Yupz, then something really funny happened in the short period between us squeezing through the crowd and waiting for my dad to take the photo.
Before I bore you with the long paragraphs so far, here's the photo!!!
The guy on my left is DAMN tall!! Omg I'm only at his shoulder manxz -.- Remind me not to get such a tall boyfriend next time okay, we will look so awkward together!! HAHA
Okay, going to the funny part. I swear it's the funniest thing that happened the whole day okay!! SUPER DRAMATIC too. So while we were getting into our positions for the photo, the shorter guy called out some name (Eddie, if I'm not wrong?) and this guy from a group of Navy boys on my left responded.
He went something like "Walao, shit you la" and ran towards us. He then squeezed his way through the parents and kids and a blue iPhone popped out. I was like "Huh???" but quickly turned back to my camera to smile for the photo.
HAHA then I realised what happened. Bet they wanted the picture coz of Daisy lor!!!!! Jelly sia. I was laughing away like mad as we went walking away to leave the tent coz Daisy had no idea what was going on. So I told her and she laughed along too. Hehehe why is that shorter guy so cute!!
We entered the next tent, only to find out it was the food court. Popular stalls like Lao Ban and Yogurt Place were there to set up stalls! There was even a stage for performances put up by singers and dancers! Singers sang famous songs like Payphone and The Girl on Fire and the dancers really put up a splendid performance!! ^^
My family then started on our adventure on the docks! The ships all looked super mighty and majestic!!!
Sigh, but no matter how majestic it looks, it looks kinda of boring to stay on for weeks. Not counting the long months the Navy has to stay on them to protect Singapore ): I think I will go crazy if I have to face that same sea every day lor.
We continued walking along the dock and I saw this super cute paper mascot!!! Since I'm always the person behind the camera, I only had one photo taken!! Walao, I hate photos without me inside but then I like taking pretty photos. The ironic -_- Yupz, so I got Daisy to snap this photo for me!!! ^^
I'm considering to use this photo for my Facebook profile picture!! HAHA bet you are going "Finally." nowwww. Oh wellz, I always think that my photos aren't nice enough as a display picture, which explains why I never had one.
Question of the Week: Should I?????? Lolololololol and I realised that my blouse+belt+pants is cheaper than my shoes -.-'''
After snapping this photo, we realised that my mum and sister were missing!! We only managed to contact them after 10 minutes of calling and found out they were at the last dock -.- Aiya, here's a clearer illustration.
See the map? I took it off the Navy 2013 Homepage and lump everything together into one photo HAHA. Told you the homepage has lotsa cute graphics!! Anyway, we were at the red star while my mum and Roselyn were at the orange star!!
So my dad, Daisy and I made our way back to the base to meet them. In the meantime, I took more photos of the ships which were at the opposite dock (blue star)! ^^ Damn pretty!!!!
Along the way, we saw some little kids causing a little destruction.
I think I will do the same if I was their age HAHA. Why so cuteeeee ^^
So we walked towards the head of the dock to meet my mum and Roselyn and I camho-ed with Daisy!!!
SEE, I only add filters okay. My photos will still look nice even if no filters lor, but who doesn't want the best photos ;)
We got tired of waiting under the heat so we decided to get Shaved Ice. The dessert kiosk is super Wonderland-ish hor ^^
Freaking daylight robbery. $3 can get me 2 Ice Kachangs outside and this Shaved Ice isn't Ice Kachang okay. It's only ice + canned pineapples -.- But wellz, anything cold looks tempting under the hot sun.
My mum and Roselyn finally appeared after 15 minutes and we continued our way down to the very dock they came from. Retarded I know. There were displays along the linkway so yay ^^
Sigh sigh sigh, the booth closed just when I was about to join the queue. The Duck Tours isn't the typical kind you see at Singapore River okay!! The boat is ten times cooler!!! It's a truck on land, boat in water. BIG WOAH right.
We stupidly walked on to the last dock, not knowing it led to the exit. Had to walk all the way back to the first dock (still remember not???) Let me slot in the map again la!!
Walked from orange star to blue star to green star. (Duck Tours' at the yellow star btw.) It was a damn long walk and my parents were complaining all the way while I skipped ahead happily HAHA
The activities were pretty exciting ^^ There were 2 shooting ranges and a tent with 2 photo-booths!!! My sisters went to queue for the shooting while I went to take random shots again.
I love submarines!!!! Don't you think that they are like little fishies which can pop out the waters once in a while and dive back into the vast ocean? Okay, I'm spouting nonsense again. Ships at the dock (red star)!!
We built a ship Titanic, to sail the ocean blue!!!!!!
Nice shot of my sister shooting right!!! I was like 10-20 meters away from her and there were so many people blocking me ): Freaking hard to capture this shot.
Random camho-s!!
Aiyo, this picture so nice but my fringe had to screw up ):
The first-aiders booth was damn cool!!! Visitors could dress up as surgeons and there was an artificial body and surgical gears for us to take photos with. The helpers at the booth were super friendly too ^^
Initially, my sisters and I wanted to go for it together. My parents chided us off for being childish coz only little kids were participating so Daisy and I pulled out ): So annoying lor, it's not that we are being childish, it's just happen that there're no people of our age at that exhibition.
Sigh sigh sigh. But Roselyn was still brave enough to go for it ^^
It was getting late so time to go home ^^
Flags at the spectators stand.
Okay okay, the post is ending soon!!! Last photo and a few more words only ^^ Here's the last photo for the post~ A foreign Navy boy showing respect for his country. Think they were lowering their flags at 7 o'clock.
I'm super thankful that my camera didn't die on me manxz. You know it was screwing up the whole day, something to do with my battery pack not co-operating with my camera. But heng heng heng it didn't die.
Oh ya, the queue back to Singapore Expo was even more horrible compared to the one in Singapore Expo. Freaking hell, people were cutting queue like mad. Also, along the way to the 'holding lobby', we had to walk through their canteen. Recruits (if I'm not wrong) were kindly giving out free water and I think we should appreciate them for their help!!! ^^ Coz inconsiderate Singaporeans had to freaking throw their used and unused water bottles at random places, especially the water coolers, and make them clean up ):
Walao eh, thinking of those improper disposal of water bottles makes me rage!!! You throw your water bottle there, how do you expect the people who stay there drink their water. You can drink then they cannot drink is it. Piang eh, and don't you feel bad when those who are distributing free water to you having to clear up the mess you've created? Walaoxzzzzz want to box all those people man.
Moving on. Family and I went to Bedok hawker center to have dinner!!! I have always liked the food there coz everything is yummy to me ^^ Most probably coz I lived in Bedok when I was young and sort of 'grew up' there. And the fact that all the hawkers have given so much of their time and effort to support their families through selling the yummy food really makes me happy just walking pass it!!! OKAY LA, I shall stop talking already.
Omg I can't wait for 2016 to come!!!!!!!! The next Navy Open House will be held then ^^ Yupz, if you don't know, it's held only once every 3 years. Heng not every year lor, if not all the Navy boys will faint from the fatigue of organising this event!!!
Sadly, I have to end the post here now and start studying!!! Hopefully I can pass at least a subject for CTs manxzzzzz. BYE GUYS!!!! ^^
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